Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Hills Have Eyes [Blu-ray] SALE

Title : The Hills Have Eyes [Blu-ray]
Category: Movies
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 3.7
Buyer Review : 135

Description : See movers movie This specific The Hills Have Eyes [Blu-ray] functions excellent, simple to use and change. The price of this wa much lower when compared with other places we explored, rather than considerably more compared to comparable product

This unique subject delivers overtake the anticipation, this place has chaned into a fantastic upgrade on myself personally, The theory showed up properly and also rapidly The Hills Have Eyes [Blu-ray]

The Carters are an all-American family on their way to California when their car breaks down far from civilization in the remote southwestern desert. But they are not alone. Watching from the hills is a very different kind of clan, a family of marauding inbred cannibals with an unspeakable taste for human flesh and monstrous brutality. In the nightmare that follows, what depravities must this wholesome family endure to survive? And in a primal wasteland ruled by lust and rage, who will become the most shocking savages of all? Dee Wallace, James Whitworth, Susan Lanier and Michael Berryman co-star in this disturbing cult classic written and directed by horror-master Wes Craven (Last House on the Left, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream).

Features :
  • Factory sealed DVD

Review :
Ignore The Youngsters, They know, no better
The remake is a joke compared to Craven's amazing 1977 original.

Young kids have no clue what a good horror movie is all about and that's why remakes actually make money(actually most of them lose money) I've said this before and I'll say it again, anyone that knows anything about horror movies realizes there is much more to it than pretty people on screen, loud bangs and CG effects.

Craven's story about a family on there way to California stop off in the middle of the desert looking for silver. When their Vehicle breaks down they are in for the fight of their lives. A cannibal family living in the hills see a means to survive and plan on feasting on the "fresh meat".

So the lighting isn't great, so the effects aren't as good SO WHAT!!!!!!!!! I'd love to see 'any' director take Craven's budget for this film or Tobe Hooper's budget from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and make half of a movie today. Directors today can't even think of an original...
The Hills Original much better than the remake
I don't know how some folks can say the remake is better, scarier, more effective than the original. Even with a much larger budget than the first one, this movie is not one bit scary. The original wins hands-down. No comparison whatsoever ! The low-budget, gritty feel of the 70's one works a lot better than the CGI effects in the recent one. I saw the remake the night it opened back in March and then bought it last week to give it the benefit of the doubt and all I could do is shake my head and think to myself this movie is awful. The acting by the white-bread family is piss-poor, the cannibals are beyond ridiculous-looking, the gory effects not at all scary. In fact, too much gore in a horror movie, to me, makes the movie less scary. Another weak point in the remake is the lack of character development amongst the cannibals. I mean you knew how they became mutants....they show it in the opening credits and when Big Bob goes back to the gas station for help, he reads all the...
Civilization versus barbarism
"The Hills Have Eyes" is Wes Craven's long awaited follow up to his first film, the grindhouse epic "The Last House on the Left." In the latter film, the creator of such horror staples as "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Scream" delved deep into the recesses of human cruelty to tell the tale of two young women abducted, tortured, and killed by a small gang of escaped convicts. Through a twist of fate, the parents of one of these girls meet up with her killers and exact their own brand of terrible revenge. "The Last House on the Left," although not incredibly gory in its theatrical cut, is a nauseating, seedy little nightmare that received an incredible amount of bad press even as it raked in money at the few places willing to show the movie. Craven's subsequent career virtually assured that his early work would receive the DVD treatment. What's surprising is how comprehensive a treatment "Last House" and "Hills" received. "The Hills Have Eyes" offers up a plethora of entertaining and...

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