Category: Movies
Brand: Buena Vista Home Video
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.8
Description : Notice carriers cinema This kind of Schoolhouse Rock! (Special 30th Anniversary Edition) works fantastic, user friendly along with adjust. The cost of this wa lower as compered to other areas My spouse and i researches, and never a lot more compared to related product or service
This unique item Offer surpass own anticipation, this place has chaned into a amazing replace on personally, The theory arrived correctly and speedily Schoolhouse Rock! (Special 30th Anniversary Edition)
Schoolhouse Rock!, the timeless collection of animated songs that taught an entire generation that "knowledge is power" is on DVD for in this Ultimate Collector's Edition 2-disc set. Now every day can feel like Saturday morning as you sing along with "I'm Just A Bill," "Three Is A Magic Number," "Interjections!" and the rest of your favorite tunes. Featuring an additional catchy animated song by the original series' creators, the 30th Anniversary Edition DVD rocks your house.It's a good bet that any American kid growing up in the '70s or '80s learned some elementary lesson from the seminal musical series Schoolhouse Rock!. Airing from 1973 to 1984 (and often revived), the ABC Saturday morning shorts effortlessly introduced kids to grammar, science, multiplication, money, and American history--three minutes at a time. In one smart, comprehensive 2-disc set, all 46 songs and plenty of extras are collected. The four creators developed the series slowly, a welcome diversion from their advertising agency jobs, and ended up taking home four Emmys over the years. The background material includes 10 audio commentaries and a making-of feature for the new song, "I'm Gonna Send Your Vote to College." The DVD subtitle option is a great bonus for those who need to know every word from such favorites as "Three Is a Magic Number," "Interjections," "I'm Just a Bill," and "Conjunction Junction." (Ages 3 and older) --Doug Thomas
Features :
- Schoolhouse Rock, the timeless collection of animated songs that taught an entire generation that "Knowledge Is Power," is on DVD for the first time in this Ultimate Collector's Edition 2-disc set. Now every day can feel like Saturday morning as you sing along with "I'm Just A Bill," "Three Is A Magic Number," "Interjections!" and the rest of your favorite tunes. Featuring a catchy new
Review :
List of Songs
This is a list of all the songs in the video. This list is arranged by subject. In the video, the songs are arranged by popularity.
America Rock:
Elbow Room
Mother Necessity
Great American Melting-pot
No More Kings
The Shot Heard 'Round the World
The Preamble to the Constitution
I'm just a Bill (my personal favorite)
special bonus: Electoral College
Grammar Rock:
Rufus Xavier Sasparilla (pronouns)
Unpack your Adjectives
A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing
Interjections! (my other favorite)
Lolly Lolly Lolly (adverbs)
Conjunction Junction
Science Rock:
Them not-so-dry bones
Telegraph line
Interplanet Janet
Math Rock and Money Rock:
Naughty Number 9
Dollars and Sense
Elementary, my dear
Here I come (counting by 5s)
Figure 8
My Hero Zero
Three is a magic number
America Rock:
Elbow Room
Mother Necessity
Great American Melting-pot
No More Kings
The Shot Heard 'Round the World
The Preamble to the Constitution
I'm just a Bill (my personal favorite)
special bonus: Electoral College
Grammar Rock:
Rufus Xavier Sasparilla (pronouns)
Unpack your Adjectives
A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing
Interjections! (my other favorite)
Lolly Lolly Lolly (adverbs)
Conjunction Junction
Science Rock:
Them not-so-dry bones
Telegraph line
Interplanet Janet
Math Rock and Money Rock:
Naughty Number 9
Dollars and Sense
Elementary, my dear
Here I come (counting by 5s)
Figure 8
My Hero Zero
Three is a magic number
Part of the American Consciousness
Schoolhouse Rock is an unusual American cultural phenomenon. Nearly every person who grew up after the late Sixties is familiar with the series. How ubiquitous is it? I would predict that if you started humming "Conjunction Junction," "I'm Just a Bill," or "Three Is a Magic Number" in a room of a dozen people, three-quarters would know the reference and at least a couple would probably join in humming or singing the words.
This is unimpeachable stuff. To say that this 2-disc set is definitive is to do injustice to the word "definitive." EVERYTHING you would ever want to know about Schoolhouse Rock is here. All forty-six cartoons ever done for the series are included, even the "Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips" series that looked at computers. The electoral college toon that was done later is part of this collection, too.
The extras on the second disc are outstanding. In addition to Scooter Computer and the rarely seen "The Weather Show," you get a behind the scenes...
nostalgic, and still effective, edutainment
This material does seem a bit dated, so it's easy to forget that this was a radical idea when it first came out -- learning can be fun! It still is, thanks to the reissue of the material found on this two-disc set. Shortly after receiving a complimentary copy, my husband was singing along to old favorites and our toddler was having a grand old time learning the songs. All original 46 songs from the show are here, as well as the brand new "I'm Gonna Send Your Vote to College", about the electoral college, and a lost song, "The Weather Show". There are also three songs with the series' only continuing characters, Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips.
You can view a full selection list or see items grouped into categories of Grammar Rock, Science Rock, Multiplication Rock, America Rock or Money Rock, and a jukebox capability allows you to make playlists of songs to be played in order or on shuffle. There's a short trivia game with quizzes and word scrambles, puzzles, four music...
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