Category: Movies
Brand: Image Entertainment
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.5
Buyer Review : 322
Description : This particular The Complete Billy Jack Collection (Born Losers/Billy Jack/The Trial of Billy Jack/Billy Jack Goes to Washington) performs fantastic, user friendly and modify. The price of this wa much lower as compered to other locations My partner and i explored, rather than a lot more as compared to related product or service
This kind of subject provides surpass out prospect, this one has chaned into a amazing buy for myself, The thought came securely and also quickly The Complete Billy Jack Collection (Born Losers/Billy Jack/The Trial of Billy Jack/Billy Jack Goes to Washington)
Experience the legend like never before! These four groundbreaking, action-packed cinematic adventures from `70s pop culture icon Billy Jack feature all of the fast-kicking, politically-aware stories that had audiences cheering and clamoring for me. Influencing action films for decades, the Billy Jack films broke the mold with their unique hero, a half-Indian/half-white ex-Green Beret bent on correcting injustice and hypocrisy to help America reach its full potential. Witness the heroism yourself with this complete four-film set, all newly remastered in high-definition for breathtaking, unsurpassed quality! Includes Born Losers, Billy Jack, The Trial of Billy Jack and Billy Jack Goes to Washington.
Review :
Billy Jack A Classic Blast From The Past
Some reviewers want to rate these movies by today's standards and that is a little unfair to this set of B-movies. The movie "Billy Jack" was one of the most popular movies of it's time. It was released and re-released dozens of times in theaters and drive-ins back in the day. A movie that led to films like "Walking Tall", "Macon County Line" and more. These movies are very dated, but fun to watch. "Billy Jack Goes To Washington" was a victim of it's own ideals when the right to film in areas of Washington, D.C. was yanked upon hearing of it's plot line. If the Billy Jack films were released today, with today's technology and multiple media outlets, there probably would have been more films and might have led to a TV series, as well. These films aren't just about going up against 'the man', they are also about the injustice and mistreatment of the American Indian back in the day. Tom Laughlin is now in his 70's and won't be making any more Billy...
i never realised what a huge influence the Billy Jack movies had on me in the 70's until i watched them again in my 50's...way ahead of their time in terms of social justice issues, critique of political status quo etc. ....the melding of asian martial arts with native American spirituality is truly inspired and the portrayal of Billy's struggle to reconcile the tamasic/rajasic and sattvic sides of his temperament is something ALL authentic budoka will identify with...and what a great finale in the 'goes to washington' flick...OK, so Tom is no Bruce Lee and production values are typical of independent films of the era, but Bong Soo Han's hapkido still holds up and hey, if you don't recognise these as genuine classics then you're lacking something central to what makes us human...the medium IS the message...and if you want to give you're kids/grandkids an insight to what it was like in the late 60's/early 70's then tie 'em to a chair and make 'em watch these...one day they'll thank you...
America Needs Billy Jack Now More Than Ever
We live in troubled times. It appears we no longer have any heroes. Who can we look up to? No one....but luckily 1970s icon Billy Jack is back to give us all hope.
We've been suppressed by "The Man" for too long. "The Man" is both Democrat and Republican. "The Man" is whoever is in power over the decent, hard working common folk.
Billy Jack takes on "The Man" in this great DVD collection. Billy Jack is a half-breed Indian, West Point grad, and Vietnam vet, who although trys to remain true to his pacifist beliefs, will take on the "The Man" when "The Man" hurts the little guy. Better watch out when Billy Jack takes off his boots!
Billy Jack is not some mindless machine of violence. He usually ends up in a debate with Jean, the woman he loves, over the use of violence as a problem solving tactic.
By today's standards, these movies are kinda slow, full of dialog and debate over civil rights, government corruption, and being hassled by "The...
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