Wednesday, April 8, 2015

South Park: Season 9 On Sale

Title : South Park: Season 9
Category: TV
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 94

Description : Catch haulers special movie This kind of South Park: Season 9 does fantastic, simple to operate along with alter. The price for this became dramatically reduced as compered to other places I researches, rather than considerably more compared to related merchendise

This unique item provides overtake out anticipation, this one has become a wonderfull upgrade on personally, The theory arrived correctly along with speedily South Park: Season 9

All fourteen episodes from South Park’s infamous ninth season are now available for the first time in this exclusive 3-disc collector’s set. This season features Kenny’s epic battle between heaven and hell, uprising of redheads and adventures surrounding a certain closet. For these boys, it’s all part of growing up in South Park!A lot can happen in the middle of nowhere. The tiny mountain town of South Park, Colorado has proven that beyond a doubt for the last eight seasons. Fortunately for fans of this Comedy Central pillar, series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker obviously had no lack of ideas for their ninth season. Over the course of fourteen episodes, Mr. Garrison gets a sex change, Cartman thwarts a hippie music festival that threatens to destroy the town, the boys (Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny) start a talent agency, Kenny leads angelic forces in an epic battle against Satan’s minions at the gates of heaven, and the boys become really bad at losing at baseball. And that’s just the first half of the season. The most notable episode from this season is definitely the controversial "Trapped in the Closet," where Stan is "recognized" as the reincarnation of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, and a dejected Tom Cruise locks himself in Stan’s closet. Naturally, over the course of the episode, TV reporters get to decry that "Tom Cruise still won’t come out of the closet." It's funny enough on its own, but when John Travolta and R. Kelly end up in the closet as well (all singing together "Now I’m trapped in the closet. I’m trapped in the closet too"), that’s worth the price of the set on its own.

After nine seasons it’s also nice to see that one of the series key running gags, the perpetual cluelessness of the adults, still isn’t getting old. It's as if the adult townspeople only know how to behave based on movies they’ve seen (this season’s cinematic targets include Rocky (in "The Losing Edge"), The Day After Tomorrow ("Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow"), and Pet Cemetery ("Marjorine"), and their inevitably clichéd over-reactions still provide many of the show’s best moments. The commentaries from Parker and Stone are once again typically short; they usually last only a few minutes into each show before they end it with "Ok, onto the next show now" not even trying to conceal that they really want to get through the recording session as quickly as possible. That might seem lame on other shows, but on South Park--a show where 8-year-olds send a talking killer whale to the moon through the Mexican Space Agency for $200,--somehow it’s totally fitting. --Daniel Vancini

Stills from South Park: The Complete Ninth Season (click for larger image)

Features :
  • Factory sealed DVD

Review :
"These guys practiced and got really good at sucking"---Stan
For the last few seasons, each new season of South Park became my favorite. The trend almost continued with Season 9 but I don't think it is quite as solid as Season 8, but close. Still there are several slam-dunk episodes in this set: "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New V---," "The Losing Edge," "The Death of Eric Cartman," "Follow That Egg," and "Bloody Mary." Either "Mr. Garrison's...," "Follow That Egg," or "Bloody Mary" is my favorite, it's difficult to choose. There are other excellent eps as well like "Best Friends Forever" (which won an Emmy), "Erection Day," "Two Days Before...," and "Marjorine." This set also has the controversial episode "Trapped in the Closet" about Tom Cruise and Scientology that caused the "Chef" Isaac Hayes falling out. Jam-packed with quality SP humor taking current events and issues waaaay over-the-top, here's what you get:

Disc 1:

"Mr. Garrison's Fancy New V..." Kyle is depressed that Jew's can't play basketball. Inspired by Mr...
Social Commentary with a Kick
Genius. South Park has provided comic relief for todays problems for ten gut wrenching years. Story lines often seem to be plucked from the days headlines. Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Eric provide the laughs and social commentary, which echo true common sense. South Park is a counter move to the politically correct world in which we live. South Park is animation for adults plain and simple, and I hope to see the boys of South Park learn lessons and provide their unique brand of insight for many years to come.

Marjorine Rocks
"South Park" is one of the most clever series programs in the entire history of American television. Because Trey & Matt (the creaters, cartoonists, writers, voices & just about everything else) have a percise acuteness to satire and comedy. Each season it only gets better. This series has never "jumped the shark" because "South Park" is the type of series that doesn't take themselves too serious and doesn't try to be anything they're not.

Season Nine (includes a total of fourteen eps) of this modern-day classic is hands down, bar none, perfect television viewing. Some of the highlights from this season include: Mrs. Garrison's gender reassignment operation, the sweet sounds of Wing, Jimmy taking matters into his own hands and of course who could forget about Tom Cruise being trapped in the perpetual closet! But my favorite ep from this season revolves around my favorite "South Park" resident, Eric Cartman; in this installmant, Cartman found out what it was like to be dead...

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