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Rating : 3.7
Buyer Review : 9
Review :
Fascinating topic... Less than satisfying film... Saved by DVD Extras
This is a documentary on the rather nebulous topic of stupidity. It's a subject holding great promise which unfortunately this 77-minute film does not quite fulfil. The film is more a diatribe against the stupidity that has become an integral part of American culture than an indepth analysis of the subject. The interviews with thinkers, writers, and commentators, people like Noam Chomsky, Bill Maher and Avital Ronell, are reduced to short soundbites, while the rest of the film is filled with a constant stream of silly antics that sadly represent what constitutes much of American media today. The ideas put forward by the interviewees are tantalising and often fascinating but they are sadly not fleshed out. The problem begins with the very definition of stupidity. How would you define stupidity? As one interviewee, Giancarlo Livraghi, puts it, often a genius may be labelled "stupid" because his ideas are ahead of his time. Why does America venerate stupidity? Is stupidity inherent in...
Stupidityexcellent review, There are various legacies people elected to this office leave, including e.g. the 1st president, the 1st catholic president, the 1st black president. President 43 GWB has the dubious accolade of being the 1st MORON elected President of the USA.
It's alright I guess..
It's an okay film. Bits of it were interesting, and I generally identify with the left-of-center orientation of it, but I didn't think it was a particularly well-made film. I think my expectations were heightened by the presence of names like "Noam Chomsky" and "Bill Maher" in it, but in actuality, their comments were marginal in the film. Even the "extended interviews" weren't really all that "extended." Also, I expected better picture and sound quality than offered.
The origins of words like "idiot" and "moron" are explored; footage of drunk people acting stupid is shown; the harm our stupidity is causing to our planet is noted; the dumbing down of the public by business interests is briefly discussed; and that's it. It was somewhat entertaining, so I wouldn't call it a waste of time. But it's not a "must see" or "must own" film either.
The origins of words like "idiot" and "moron" are explored; footage of drunk people acting stupid is shown; the harm our stupidity is causing to our planet is noted; the dumbing down of the public by business interests is briefly discussed; and that's it. It was somewhat entertaining, so I wouldn't call it a waste of time. But it's not a "must see" or "must own" film either.
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