Category: Movies
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Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 26
Review :
The Revolution is Well Underway
A revolution is afoot in these United States. But unlike, say, the American Revolution, this one is not of the people. No, it's anything but. This revolution has silenced the people, strangled our democracy and made a mockery of Constitution principles. The revolution? The privatization of the American electoral system.
How did this happen? How did the concept of one man, one vote get so skewed that partisans interests now design machines to register and count votes, in secrecy, with `proprietary' equipment that can't be independently reviewed and verified? How did so many of us become disenfranchised - without even knowing it? It's mind boggling.
And it's at the heart of UNCOUNTED. The film gives historical perspective on how our electoral system was slowly given over to those who do not have the good of the republic in their hearts, but rather see how our system can be manipulated toward their own aims; it lays bare the idea that our elections are fair...
fine documentary focusing primarily on the elections of 2000 and 2004
Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections focuses on both confirmed attempts to rig elections and suspected attempts to rig elections right up to the national level of president. Of course, this is a highly charged and controversial subject; and it's primarily but not exclusively presented by Democrats who assert that elections were rigged using electronic voting machines, voter intimidation and other "techniques" to get a particular candidate to win a political election and thwart our cherished democracy. It is important to note that this film was made in 2007 before the recent presidential election. Therefore, this film does not criticize or praise the way the most recent presidential election was handled.
It is absolutely fascinating to see interviews with people who were victimized when they tried to blow the whistle on Diebold, a company that made electronic voting machines but then added extra computer code to "flip" votes. The idea of "flipping" votes is simple...
democracy gone
No conspiracy theory's here, cold hard facts, some of which have been voiced over and over in the past, but also new facts which beg the question: Why is no one being held accountable? This documentary cuts into the heart of America, exposing the graft and corruption that finally broke through the revolving door and blew it off it's hinges in 2000. Today we are suffering the end result of that breach, the final phase of a planned op that allows corporate control of our government. The recent supreme court ruling allowing corporate to spend limitless amounts for the promotion of their candidate of choice is the final result (to date, fasten your seat belts) of the last vestiges of democracy being flushed down the toilet. The strongest point this documentary made to me was the fact that traitorous crimes have been committed over and over since 2000, and the perpetrators should at minimum be in prison. Our forefathers would have hanged them from the lamp posts, yet not a single...
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