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Rating : 5.0
Buyer Review : 4
Description : This kind of FROM BATTLEFIELDS TO DUELLING: The evolution of Jogo do Pau functions excellent, user friendly and also modify. The price for this became lower when compared with other places My partner and i reviewed, and not much more as compared to equivalent product or service
This specific subject gives overtake the anticipation, this one has turned into a amazing replace on myself personally, The idea showed up securely along with speedily FROM BATTLEFIELDS TO DUELLING: The evolution of Jogo do Pau
Jogo do Pau is a unique and living European martial tradition.
It is a hybrid system that merges many historical martial skills and concepts - including outnumbered combat - with the specificities of its main weapon of choice: The staff - A most challenging weapon that teaches fencers how to protect one's hands in the absence of cross-guards.
Jogo do Pau's unbroken lineage of several centuries culminated in a fully structured curriculum that makes training easy.
The art's take on combat context can be helpful to HEMA's trainees & researchers, supplying them with a guiding blueprint of Europe's noble fighting arts.
This DVD, on the evolution of Jogo do Pau, covers how technique and tactics developed over time as an adaptation to a variety of combat circumstances, e.g. how outnumbered combat and duelling against opponents of different traits brought about specific adaptations regarding combatants' selection of:
1 - Starting position
2 - Parrying technique
3 - Defensive footwork
4 - Counter attack selection
5 - Striking technique
The authors also share a thorough and straight forward presentation on how these concepts pertaining the evolution of Jogo do Pau apply in interpreting historical weapon manuals.
This presentation successfully covers a practical top-down interpretation of the combat tactics that make up German longsword, thus promoting the optimization of fencers' tactical decision making.
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
Review :
From battlefields to Duelling - review
I recently watched the DVD ‘FROM BATTLEFIELDS TO DUELLING’, the evolution of Jogo do Pau by Luis Preto. Having had the pleasure of being taught by Luis in the past and having read quite a few of his books on different training subjects, I knew the dvd would be an educational, well researched work, and it is. Whilst going through situational aspects and origins of basic stances, attacking and defending motions, the evolution of JdP is systematically brought to screen in five parts, with a clear summery at the end of each chapter.
A good understanding of the interrelationships between guards, attacks and parries helps in creating a good perception of timing and distance. In such the dvd proves useful to practitioners and instructors of weapon arts, both modern and historical: the mentioned correlations are well explained and lead to simple pointers in the making of tactical decisions.
The pros and cons of stances and attacks are clearly demonstrated and in addendum...
Great source of information for anyone in HEMA
“FROM BATTLEFIELDS TO DUELLING: The evolution of Jogo do Pau” is a great DVD that anyone in HEMA should be interested to purchase.
What we have here is a living European martial art that is taught by not only someone who is passionate, but also very educated in the field of sport sciences and coaching. He has a number of publications, all in modern English, and to boot he’s alive.
So now back to the DVD, it goes through JDP’s development as a martial art. What I love about this DVD is that Luis goes over reasoning behind tactical and technical actions. Luis doesn’t just help develop knowledge on JDP but a working knowledge that can be applied elsewhere.
As a couple bonuses, Luis has included an analysis of German Longsword using a very effective flow chart, and a form interpretation in an outnumbered situation with a bladed staff.
What we have here is a living European martial art that is taught by not only someone who is passionate, but also very educated in the field of sport sciences and coaching. He has a number of publications, all in modern English, and to boot he’s alive.
So now back to the DVD, it goes through JDP’s development as a martial art. What I love about this DVD is that Luis goes over reasoning behind tactical and technical actions. Luis doesn’t just help develop knowledge on JDP but a working knowledge that can be applied elsewhere.
As a couple bonuses, Luis has included an analysis of German Longsword using a very effective flow chart, and a form interpretation in an outnumbered situation with a bladed staff.
Portuguese Jogo do Pau: a beautiful and effective European, centuries-old, living stick fencing tradition, clearly explained.
I had finally the chance to sit on my sofa tonight and watch your last DVD "From battlefields to dueling". First of all, I want to thank you for all the work and effort you put into sharing with the entire community not only the tradition of Jogo do Pau, but also for your experience and effort in developing a solid educational method.
I am not sure if you faced similar challenges, but I personally found often in old traditions in Italy non defined pedagogic methods, transmitted orally for centuries, sometimes restricted within certain circles. Methods that for the modern practitioner can be difficult to grasp immediately and that often require an actualization with current pedagogic knowledge. Actually some of these traditions have, like JdP, an uninterrupted continuation since medieval age (Sicilian and Apulian stick traditions can be traced back to 1100-1200), and bring with them all their centuries of battles and oral transmission.
Now: coming to the...
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