Category: Movies
Brand: The Film Detective
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Description : This particular Li'l Abner (The Film Detective Restored Version) performs fantastic, simple to use and modify. The cost of this is much lower compered to other areas My spouse and i investigates, and never a lot more when compared with similar product or service
This kind of thing provides surpasses the prospect, that one has developed into a wonderfull buy for me personally, The concept showed up safely and also swiftly Li'l Abner (The Film Detective Restored Version)
Oh, Happy Day! It's Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae and Mammy and Pappy Yokum right out of your favorite cartoon strip! Jeff York plays the title role in director Albert S. Rogell’s version of the famous Al Capp comic series. As usual, Abner is the biggest catch in Dogpatch, - and he HATES Love! The cast also includes Martha O’Driscoll and Johnnie Morris, as well as a special appearance by the king of the slow burn, Edgar Kennedy (as Cornelius Cornpone). Also, look for silent screen legend Buster Keaton as Lonesome Polecat!
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
This product is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.
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