Category: Movies
Brand: Brain Damage Films
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 2.7
Buyer Review : 3
Description : This particular Horror House On Highway 6 works great, simple to use along with adjust. The price of this became lower compered to other locations My partner and i researches, and never a lot more as compared to similar item
This specific subject Offer surpasses out anticipation, this has chaned into a wonderfull buy for me personally, The theory arrived correctly and quickly Horror House On Highway 6
A college student is injured by a malfunctioning soda machine on Highway 6. His fellow students take him to a doctor who lives in a basement bomb shelter and awaits the second coming of Elvis Presley. They can't leave, and a killer stalks them with an ax.
DVD Special Features:
-Audio Commentary
-Deleted Scenes
Review :
This movie is horrible
This movie is just disgusting. its not so bad it's good. it's just so bad it's bad. It tries to be a slasher, the matrix and 2001, but fails at all 3 and just fails on all levels. all reviews are biased and the acting is crap. this is disgusting.
I loved this movie
OK, I'm going to be honest. My son Sean McCracken is the co-star in this movie. I would rate it high no matter what. So an extremely predigest five stars, I loved this movie.
A hard one to watch. MST3K recommended
I can't even call this cheesy, it just not good. The best thing I will say it would make a movie on the classic show Mystery Science Theater 3000. That is the only way I would recommend watching it for the jokes.
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