Friday, July 24, 2015

White Zombie (1932) (Restored Edition) SALE

Title : White Zombie (1932) (Restored Edition)
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie

Description : This kind of White Zombie (1932) (Restored Edition) functions excellent, user friendly and also adjust. The price of is was lower than other places My spouse and i investigates, and not considerably more than equivalent product

This specific obcject provides overtake own anticipation, this place has chaned into a fantastic upgrade on myself personally, The concept came securely and swiftly White Zombie (1932) (Restored Edition)

After arriving in Haiti, a young couple is convinced by a wealthy man to be married on his estate. The landowner secretly has designs on the young woman, though her love for her significant other is deemed to be true by the owner of the local sugar mill. Because of this, the only way the rich man can possibly have her is to turn her into a zombie. Superstition and the supernatural abound in this feverish island thriller. Directed by Victor Halperin. Written by Garnett Weston. Cinematography by Arthur Martinelli. Produced by Edward Halperin.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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