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Rating : 3.0
Buyer Review : 82
Description : This kind of Killers From Space (1954) (Restored Edition) works excellent, user friendly and also alter. The price of this became lower when compared with other locations we explored, rather than a lot more than related merchendise
This kind of thing delivers surpass own anticipation, this place has developed into a great buy for myself personally, The thought showed up securely and speedily Killers From Space (1954) (Restored Edition)
Dr. Doug Martin is the only hope that humanity has against invaders from outer space. Planning to use radiation to take control of humanity in the form of giant insects and reptiles, the aliens are being investigated by Martin. He interacts with the invaders and realizes that they were drawn to earth because of our nuclear testing. Martin's efforts are made harder by a skeptical FBI and military who seek to confine the doctor. Directed by W. Lee Wilder (brother of Billy Wilder). Written by William Raynor and Myles Wilder.
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Review :
A bizarre and unique sci-fi film
This little movie usually gets lost in the vast crowd of 1950s sci-fi pictures, but it arguably is one of the most interesting. (I find it superior to W. L. Wilder's previous film, the still decent 'Phantom From Space' [see my review].) The aliens' physique and their plans for Earth, the minimal special effects and sets, and the use of stock footage showcase the sheer bizarreness of 1950s cult films - the lack of resources actually enhance the film's unique feel. The invasion-laden theme is common enough, but the way it is articulated sets the movie apart from most of its peers. The crucial scene, i.e. when the hero meets the aliens, is used as a lengthy flashback inserted near the middle of the film; it is only when the hero gets out of his trance/amnesia that the scene is shown. This seemingly innocuous device actually changes the whole dramatic perspective of the movie: in the first half, the hero acts against his own will, while in the second half, all of his decisions are...
B-Science Fiction Alien Movie
This movie has all the trappings of classic B-science fiction movies. There are the cheesy aliens, the hokey, out-sized critters, awful space craft special effects, and lots of stock footage of aircraft that do not match the scenes or each other. In other words, this is great stuff. But wait, there is more! Peter Graves is the star!
Dr. Douglas Martin (Peter Graves) is monitoring test explosions of nuclear weapons from a jet. As Dr. Martin and the pilot are flying around, which is shown by an obvious model performing impossible turns, they see something unusual on the ground. Faster than you can say "I was kidnapped by aliens," their jet crashes into the ground, killing both. But wait, here comes Dr. Martin up to the main gate of the military base. We later found out that those evil aliens saved Dr. Martin so that he could help them learn when the next nuclear test is.
Everyone is suspicious of Dr. Martin because he is acting strangely. When he offers to...
Killers From Space
Combine Cold War paranoia with a pinch of speculative pseudo-science and a dash of radiation anxiety, shake it in a cheap sci-fi tumbler for 70-minutes and you get KILLERS FROM SPACE.
A very young Peter Graves plays the desert scientist studying nuclear blasts and counting the radiation. When his plane crashes after one blast and he's missing for a few days things change. A big, ugly cautery scar over his heart doesn't explain much, either. Of course, nobody believes him when he tells them there's a troop of ping pong ball-eyed aliens living in the caverns in Yucca Flats, poaching our electricity and growing gigantic beetles and rock lizards....
KILLERS FROM SPACE is goofy, and for all of its campy charm pretty slow moving. Graves plays "astonishment" in every key in his repertoire. The alien outfits and makeup aren't very convincing, but they look comfortable. The big bugs look like... well, they look like rear-screen projections with amplified sound...
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