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Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 581
Description : Start to see movers video clip This particular A Nightmare on Elm Street [Blu-ray] functions fantastic, easy to use along with alter. The price for is was lower as compered to other locations we researches, rather than considerably more as compared to equivalent item
This type of item Offer overtake out prospect, this place has developed into a wonderfull upgrade on myself, The theory arrived securely and also speedily A Nightmare on Elm Street [Blu-ray]
Nightmare On Elm Street, A (BD)
"1, 2, Freddy's coming for you." And here he is, phantom fiend Freddy Krueger in all his razor-fingered infamy. Wes Craven (Scream movies) directs this trendsetting first in the slash-hit series. The premise is simple: Freddy (Robert Englund) homicidally haunts the sleep of Elm Street teens. The results are terrifying and mind-blowingly innovative. There's another film debut too: Johnny Depp. He plays the ready steady of the hottie mcsmarty (Heather Langenkamp) who figures a clever way to flambĂ© the fiend. But ever-say-die Freddy will be 3, 4 back for more…even returning to the screen in a killer 2010 remake of this diabolical original. Sweet dreams!
]]>Features :
- Condition: New
- Format: Blu-ray
- AC-3; Color; Dolby; DTS Surround Sound; Widescreen
Review :
Not complete or definitive
Overall this two-set disc DVD is great. It includes many deleted scenes and the sound and picture is great as well.
Although this is certainly not definitive/complete. There are out takes, extended scenes, FX shots, TV spots, etc., that are not included. Such as a dialog between Lt. Thompson and Sgt. Garcia in the police station, more scenes of Nancy getting ready to battle Freddy (like pouring gasoline in that glass bottle she threw at him in the basement), another take of Glen's body rising out of the bed, an extended dialog between Marge and Mr. Thompson at the cemetery, a dialog between Lt. Thompson and Mr. Lantz (Glen's father), etc. These others were released in 1996 on laserdisc by Elite Entertainment and a two-cassette VHS by Anchor Bay. There is also trivia missing from the movie like, for example, the guy who was reading Hamlet aloud in English class is Daryl Hannah's brother. Although there is a discussion of the different types and ways of doing Freddy's makeup,...
Meet Fred Krueger
Freddy Krueger is something else. Robert Englund plays the slasher/boogeyman with the relish of a Batman villian without sacrificing his menace. Compared to Jason or Michael Meyers, Freddy is the life of the party...or the death of it if he catches you asleep. Not that this first installment of the Nightmare series is full of laughs. In his first appearance Freddy is truly scary. But he enjoys being scary and as audience members we enjoy being scared by him. As a horror personality Freddy is unequaled and seeing how he was introduced to audiences you can see that he was both a charismatic monster and a terrifying threat from the start.
But I need to admit something: I generally think less is more where blood is concerned. It's a matter of taste, I know, but that said I decided I really like this movie.
This is an unabashadly bloody slasher movie but one cannot deny that it is an imaginative one. I have been more terrified by other horror movies But few horror...
The film that revolutionized the horror genre
It is a true testament to writer-director Wes Craven's genius that many people now first think of Scream rather than A Nightmare on Elm Street upon hearing his name. While Scream certainly re-energized the horror movie genre, A Nightmare on Elm Street revolutionized it entirely when it was released in 1984. Twenty years after the fact, the movie doesn't seem quite as scary as it did originally, but this movie has truly shocked and frightened many a moviegoer over the years, resonated with untold numbers of men and women in a new and undeniably powerful way, drawn in many viewers that had never cared about horror before, and introduced one of the greatest, most popular horror icons of past, present, and future in Freddy Krueger.
When you really look at the genesis of this movie, its incredible success is truly mind-boggling. Wes Craven had already made waves in the business with such horror classics as Last House on the Left, but the script for A Nightmare on Elm Street made...
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