Category: Movies
Brand: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 445
Description : Watch carriers big screen This specific Christine [Blu-ray] does fantastic, simple to use and alter. The cost of this became dramatically reduced than other locations I explored, rather than a lot more when compared with related item
This kind of thing delivers overtake own prospect, this has become a wonderfull replace on myself, The concept appeared correctly as well as rapidly Christine [Blu-ray]
- Deleted Scenes
- Commentary with Director John Carpenter and Keith Gordon
- Three featurettes (Christine: Ignition; Christine: Fast and Furious; Christine: Finish Line)
Review :
A possessed car becomes a vehicle of revenge for teen
"Christine" is about possession. In adapting Steven King's novel to the screen, director John Carpenter and writer Bill Phillips streamline King's narrative to focus on the true star of the book and film--the car itself. "Christine" tells the story about a nerdy high school senior (Keith Gordon in a very strong performance)who can't do anything right but his best friend college jock Dennis(John Stockwell)seems to do everything right. So when Arnie finds the perfect car that he can rebuild and put his love into, the car nicknamed "Christine" by its former deceased owner more than returns that love--she gives Arnie a thug makeover and turns him into a monster as bad as the the kids that used to beat Arnie up. Needless to say, Christine has some special abilities of her own and she becomes--so to speak--the vehicle for Archie's revenge and vice versa.
Dennis tries to intervene but once Arnie becomes possessed by Christine, he and Arnie's new girlfriend Leigh (the lovely...
this is a love story from the dark side
This is really a love story but since it's based on a book by Stephen King you aleady know that the love is dark and dangerous. In every high school there are couple of kids who are treated badly by the tribe. Arnie Cunningham is a sweet, smart kid but the local bullies are making his life hell. He has two things going for him: his imagination and his best friend, Dennis, a genuinely nice kid who is on the football team and protects him. Arnie finds a Plymouth Fury and falls in love. The car's name is Christine and she's alive. No reason why, she just is. She talks to Arnie telepathicaly and through her radio. When she plays Johnny Ace's Pedging My Love and Arnie sighs and lays his head on her steering wheel the two are irrevocably wedded. The actor's voice changes whenver he's speaking to Christine, it becomes soft and affectionate. Her music, when they are alone is a playlist of love songs. It's and intense relationship.
Arnie gives Christine his life, she gives...
Still Worth The 5 Stars.
I actually read the book first which made me expect more out of the movie, oh well. The movie, however, is still worth the 5 stars I've given it because John Carpenter directed the movie and it turned out excellent, the special effects are awesome, AND that the story itself is by Stephen King. Now anybody who has read the book knows what the movie is basically about, but for those who haven't ventured this way, let me elaborate. The key characters are Christine herself (keep in mind she's a car), Arnie Cunningham, who falls in love with Christine, and Dennis Guilder, who is a friend of Arnie but an enemy of Christine. Arnie falls in love with Christine and buys her from George LeBay (Roland LeBay in the book, George is the brother), who is an eccentric old man. Arnie fixes her up to almost brand new, but all the other characters (Dennis, Arnie's parents, Leah Cabot) have this disturbing sense that Christine is more than what she appears to be. Turns out they're right when Christine...
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