Category: Movies
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 3.8
Description : Watch haulers film This particular Dune [Blu-ray] performs fantastic, simple to use along with alter. The price for this became dramatically reduced as compered to other locations My spouse and i reviewed, and never much more compared to equivalent merchendise
This unique thing provides surpass the prospect, that one has turned into a fantastic replace on personally, The concept came properly and also quickly Dune [Blu-ray]
Dazzling special effects, unforgettable images and powerful performances highlight David Lynch’s stunning film version of Frank Herbert’s classic science-fiction epic about an intergalactic warrior’s messianic rise. Starring Kyle MacLachlan, José Ferrer, Max von Sydow, Oscar® winner Linda Hunt and Sting, Dune is the ultimate adventure experience that goes beyond the imagination.
Features :
- Condition: New
- Format: Blu-ray
- AC-3; Color; Dolby; Dubbed; Subtitled; Widescreen
Review :
Universal did a rather poor job with this Bluray release.
While everyone else has been waiting for AVATAR or LOTR (and yes I bought both of those and LOVE them), I've been holding my breath to watch DUNE in all its highdef glory. After watching this bluray disc, I feel like I've seen half of the film in HD and the other half in fair quality SD. I THINK I know what I'm talking about here . . . I saw this film 3 times in the original theatrical run, then bought the video tape in the Beta format, shortly thereafter replacing it with my first VHS copy of the film. Next came the LaserDisc (sadly a pan and scan version) then another vhs (from TV) of the "extended version". Shortly before the death of VHS, Universal released a Widescreen VHS version and then came the first, non-anamorphic DVD. Most recent is the steelbook anamorphic DVD release that also included the extended version as well as deleted scenes and short documentary materials. I still own them all and I'm happy to say that this new bluray release is the best DUNE has ever looked in a...
Why does it say David Lynch then Alan Smithee? I'll tell ya!
A beginning is a very delicate time. In 1984, the long awaited film version of Frank Herbert's epic novel Dune came to the silver screen. What happened next? The worst box office disaster in history! Sad to say it, but mostly everyone who saw Dune hated it except for the few who actually read the book! I've always loved this movie but if I ever said that in public I was usually beaten with large rocks or a baseball bat. This review isn't really about the story of the film or it's direction. Its about the confusing truth of their actually being two editions of the 1984 film version of dune.
Now here is where the entire true purpose to this review comes in. Many may wonder, "why was I watching this on Sci-Fi channel and the director was Alan Smithee instead of David Lynch?" Well little Jimmy, the answer is complicated. David Lynch knew when he made Dune he was in trouble and cut the film down incredibly to make it fit the desired time limit. Lynch was slightly pleased with this cut...
A long, long wait...and now that it's here...
...it makes me wonder what was taking them so long. I can only imagine that it was a legal issue.
Now that's it here, however, I am horrendously disappointed. The previous review claims that it's "remastered?" Well, the sound may have been "mixed" into a 5.1 sound field (and badly done at that), but the picture is still in the same horrific condition as the ORIGINAL DVD release.
You don't have to look any further then the Guild ship landing at the beginning of the movie. Look at the lower left-hand side of the screen and watch the inexplicable shadow artifacts that keep fading in and out...as if the original film were compromised. No, it's not one of those "oh, you really have to look close" things, either; it's actually annoyingly, painfully obvious!!
You don't even have to go THAT far to look for transfer problems!! Look at the Universal logo on the opening reel and "oooooo" and "ahhhhhh" at the dust specks and scratches on the film...
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