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Rating : 3.9
Description : Inspect trailers films This specific The Wolverine (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD with UltraViolet) does fantastic, simple to operate as well as modify. The price of this wa lower as compered to other locations My spouse and i researches, rather than much more than similar item
This specific subject delivers surpasses own anticipation, this place has chaned into a great upgrade on me personally, The theory appeared securely and also speedily The Wolverine (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD with UltraViolet)
Hugh Jackman returns as The Wolverine and faces his ultimate nemesis in an action packed life-or-death battle that takes him to modern day Japan. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his limits, Logan confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle against his own immortality; an epic fight that will leave him forever changed.
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In 2013's summer of superheroes, The Wolverine breaks a lot of rules of the genre and comes out a winner for the most unexpected of reasons. Both the movie and the man (make that super-man) are driven by vengeance, anger, and the existential angst of the whole "with great power comes great blah, blah, blah" thing. But The Wolverine has a sense of higher responsibility and a quietude that distinguishes it from the likes of Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, and even the numerous X-Men movies that forged its legacy. With Hugh Jackman reprising the role (for the sixth time) that made him a movie star, The Wolverine is the least like any of its predecessors for the way it prefers subdued tension and real dramatic buildup of character rather than all-out frenzied action. There are plenty of elegantly realized set pieces that make visual sense and have direct bearing on the story (not necessarily things that are a priority in other mega-budget actioners), but the moments of talk and gentler sense of introspection that director James Mangold carefully oversees are more important and equally as satisfying. The events of The Wolverine take place in the aftermath of 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand, with Wolverine/Logan's grief over the death of Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) still raw. He's become a hermit somewhere in the frozen north, still seething with inward rage. The appearance of a lethal Japanese pixie named Yukio (Rila Fukushima) distracts him with a message from an old friend who wants to say goodbye. He's whisked to an idealized, manga-inspired Japan where billionaire industrialist Yashida (Hal Yamanouchi) is about to pass on. Logan saved him near the end of World War II (a truly haunting sequence), a debt Yashida wishes to repay by relieving Logan of the curse of his immortality and the healing power of his adamantine bones (and claws). Mangold has cited numerous samurai films as inspiration, and The Wolverine stands out as a classic eastern western for the thematic elements it incorporates from Japanese cinema and the iconic American genre. The other important characters in this cunningly entertaining morality play are Yashida's beloved daughter Mariko (Tao Okamoto), who battles ethereal dream encounters with Jean Grey for Logan's heart, and his evil son Shingen (Hiroyuki Sanada). There's also Yashida's creepy, statuesque doctor, who we later get to know as Viper (Svetlana Khodchenkova), another mutant who may actually have the power to kill Wolverine. The story is loosely based on a popular Wolverine comic series from 1982 that sets the stage for all the mythical Japanese elements, including a final battle with a scary adamantine samurai warrior-bot. Another super-cool CGI action scene is set on top of a bullet train going top speed (believe it or not, Jackman's enormous, ripped, straining, hyper-vascularized pecs and neck were not computer-enhanced). The Wolverine is an unexpected success in the year's blockbuster field for action that is in service of the story and for a temperament that pays homage to samurai ronin legends as well as James Bond-style summer-movie joyousness. That it is 2013's least superhero-clichéd comic book fantasy is also high praise. And with The Wolverine still cursed with immortality, there will no doubt be more praises as the X-Men universe continues to expand (be sure not to look away before the credits are through). --Ted Fry
Features :
- Run Time: 127
- Release Date: 10/14/2014
- PG13
Review :
The Unrated Cut runs about 12 minutes longer than the Theatrical Cut, and contains several new scenes including a much expanded ninja action scene. Wolverine drops a few more choice curse words and there is now CG-gore. I'd say it's more like a hard PG-13 rather than an R-rated cut.
The UNRATED Cut is much better than the theatrical cut.
**Note, SPOILERS follow, so read at your own risk**.
1) There is more gore, but primarily CGI blood sprays. Some shots of Wolverine's claws going through people's limbs, but nothing explicit. No graphic dismemberments.
2) Wolverine drops a few more f-bombs.
3) Some of the opening scenes depicting Wolverine at the POW camp are a little longer.
4) The scene involving Wolverine, an arrow, and the hunter is slightly longer and more brutal.
5) Slightly longer dialogue with Yukio on the way to the plane.
6) Relationship between Mariko and Yashida and Shingen and...
The BLU RAY 3D version is the one to get if you want the unleashed extended cut
The extended version itself is NOT in 3D but the only way to get it is if you buy the BLU RAY 3D set
If you want the actual movie, buy this version
If you want the actual movie, buy this version
Film review: The Wolverine (2013)
Comparing "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" to "The Wolverine" is like comparing apples to oranges. They are both about Marvel's burly and animalistic Wolverine, but they could not be any more different. Origins seemed to explore a bit of Wolvie's past under the framework of the prior X-Men movies (i.e. familiar characters, settings, and themes), but unfortunately it didn't hit home like the prior X-Men films. The writing fell flat, because 20th Century Fox took odd twists and turns with fan favorites like Gambit and Deadpool and then never expanded on them in future films like they promised. Instead of bridging Wolverine's backstory to the acclaimed X-Men trilogy, Fox ended up widening the gap.
However, "The Wolverine," takes an entirely different approach to the eponymous character. Audiences get to see the Adamantium and claws stripped away in a more emotionally driven film. Wolverine is facing an existential crisis. Following the events of "X-Men: The Last Stand"...
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