Monday, April 20, 2015

Red 2 Discount !!

Title : Red 2
Category: Movies
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.3

Description : Timepiece haulers videotape This particular Red 2 works excellent, user friendly and change. The price for this is dramatically reduced when compared with other areas I explored, and never a lot more when compared with comparable merchendise

This specific obcject delivers surpass the prospect, this one has become a fantastic replace on me personally, The thought appeared correctly and quickly Red 2

Retired black-ops CIA agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing portable nuclear device. A very safe sequel bet with a cast of friendly, recognizable, and bankable stars, RED 2 is a breezy romp of global espionage and superhero superspies where the wealth of violence is played for laughs and the sly grins stay firmly planted on the faces of everyone involved. As fans of 2010's RED will fondly remember, the hero characters are from the AARP generation, which is also what drives the primary conceptual joke and defines the title acronym: Retired, Extremely Dangerous. In round two, former secret agent Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) is drawn out of retirement (again) by his former cohort Marvin (John Malkovich, acting Malkovich-crazy and loving it) to service a plot that involves a Cold War-era nuclear bomb hidden in Russia and the international effort to retrieve it. Frank is now romantically partnered with RED's sweet Sarah (Mary-Louise Parker, also a comic delight), who wants to follow him into the fray and turns out to be pretty good at the dangerous game of spycraft. Also returning from not really being retired are the icy MI-6 assassin Victoria (Helen Mirren) and the lusty Russian spy chief Ivan (Brian Cox). Their priceless scene together captures a bucolic picnic where automatic weapons and silk stockings are the main course. New to this edition is Katja (Catherine Zeta-Jones), Ivan's best operative and a former flame of Frank, and Han Cho Bai (Byung-hun Lee), a Korean hit man on Frank's list partly because he's been ordered to kill him, but mostly because he's mad that Frank stole his private jet. Everyone's motives are purposely muddled, but they all put aside personal grudges and professional kill orders to join forces against the doomsday device. It was created and hidden by a batty professor who's been locked away in a London psychiatric hospital for almost 40 years. Fortunately this caricature is played by Anthony Hopkins, who brings all the acting tics and crazy-old-British-guy mannerisms he can as both hero and villain. The mechanics of story don't much matter when the purpose is zingy one-liners and the comic timing is spot on. There's a ton of bloodless violence--most of which is also played for laughs--and a menacing American agent played by Neal McDonough who seems to be the only humorless one in the whole bunch. He's also the only truly scary one, which does not bode well for his character. All the leads are given their own scene-stealing moments, with each playing according to their strengths (and probably for a nice "what the heck?" paycheck). The physical and verbal interplay among them cascades trippingly off the tongue in snappy dialogue and bits of business that seem effortless for these pros. Helen Mirren wears diamonds and fur while wielding a grenade launcher; John Malkovich makes the most lovable psychopath ever; Anthony Hopkins is both befuddled and conniving; and Bruce Willis makes violent screwball comedy look easy, especially with the impeccable help of Mary-Louise Parker. The RED franchise is a nice crossover success for Hollywood, with a built-in audience of the over-50 set, and the core youth demographic happy to watch grandma- and grandpa-types blow up and shoot things to their hearts' content. --Ted Fry

Features :
  • Run Time: 116
  • Release Date: 5/20/2014
  • PG13

Review :
Our Favorite Foursome
Here they are again, our favorite former black-ops CIA agents, still Retired and Extremely Dangerous, who must reunite and track down a portable nuclear device, invented by a man who has been held for over 30 years in an institution for the criminally insane.

If you saw the original "Red" you know that after all the wild events, Frank and Sarah became a couple. Now we get to see what happens AFTER the "happily ever after...." (It's hilarious!)

We see:
* Bruce Willis ("Red") Frank is in a domestic frenzy, deliriously heaping his shopping cart at Costco with countless household items.
* John Malkovich ("Red") Marvin is horrified to see Frank in this condition. He will do anything...
* Mary-Louise Parker ("Red") Sarah has an edge over Frank and Marvin: people LIKE her, but she can only watch Frank's new-found domesticity with a mixture of dismay and affection.
* Helen Mirren ("Red") Victoria is in the middle of another "side job" when...
RED 2 -- You Gotta See This
I loved this film. Yes the plot is so thin as to almost be transparent. Yes it is filled with car crashes, car chases, and the most heavily armed but incompetent adversaries on film. But the CAST -- and the ACTION -- make this into an exciting romp by some very talented actors. It is hard to overshadow Bruce Willis in any film but this cast manages that. John Malkovich steals the show as "Mad" Marvin and does as much acting with his face as with the dialog. Helen Mirren is clearly having the time of her life playing Victoria and she is great. Anthony Hopkins as the mad scientist plays it to the hilt. Byung-hun Lee as the assassin hired to kill Willis is marvelous in his incredible fight scenes plus adding some real subdued humor about his plane. Also he introduces the new Gatling gun just released by the Army and that scene alone is worth the price of admission. Oh yes -- Bruce Willis was in this film -- and yes he does a good job but it is hard to surpass this team of actors...
The film incorporates Wikileaks as the new problem child for Moses Frank (Bruce Willis) and company. An article claims he and Marvin (John Malkovich) were involved in a 1979 operation called "Night Shade." They have become wanted men.

In an expanded role Sarah (Mary-Louise Parker) our meek lady from Kansas has become a thrill seeker and joins the group as they travel the world to find "Night Shade." In addition to Interpol and the Feds looking for our heroes, there is also a hitman (Byung-hun Lee) after them and Victoria (Helen Mirren) is also contracted to kill them...Malkovich proclaims "Friends don't take out a contract on friends." They are allied by KGB agent Katja (Catherine Zeta-Jones) to the displeasure of sweet innocent Sarah who says..."Can't we just kill her?"

The film is filled with Malkovich one liners which we enjoyed in the first movie. The expanded role of Sarah added to the feature. This is perhaps a notch below the first installment, but a...

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